Network Platforms : Raising The Systems of Engagement

Posted by TallyFox on 28 April 2017
In today's market, where companies need valuable insight to stay competitive, software must be able to provide them with ways to access those insights, wherever they are.
We never know what information we are going to need and where we can find that information but one thing is true: nearly all business operations are conducted between companies and their trading partners.
Let’s take the automobile manufacturing market as an example. The collaboration takes place within a network of suppliers and distributors to push a product to the market. A vehicle's components are generally manufactured by different companies, and the auto manufacturer purchases these parts separately to create a product - the car. The businesses that sell components themselves also sell to the mechanics who are regarded as external clients.
Frequently, there is an inconsistent information flow from one end to the other which companies have tried to address by building integrations to their existing communication channels, but have failed because the information which contains valuable feedback is still siloed.

The Rise of Network Platforms
This need has been recognised and Network Platforms were born. Today’s network platforms are changing the way business is conducted between the external client and all the businesses that serve this client. These networks serve one goal: enabling knowledge sharing in an interconnected community of business partners that work together to meet the expectations of their external clients. The benefits of having such a network are huge: from the ability to improve your service based on the feedback you get to accessing knowledge your business partners share.
Systems of Engagement
When Geoffrey Moore introduced this idea in his 2011 in the paper titled "Systems of Engagement and the Future of Enterprise IT: A Sea Change in Enterprise IT.” businesses knew that in order to develop systems of engagement, communications technology that allows real-time connections and excellent filtering options needed to be deployed. Push-oriented business-to-business (B2B) integrations are being replaced by pull-oriented client-to-business-to-business (C2B2B) networks. This provides businesses with access to sharp minds and smart resources, whether they are located within suppliers, external clients, research organisations, or independently.

Silos only where you need them
This is not a utopia, a sophisticated permissions-based software such as Tallium with its advanced algorithm SmartMatchProTM which suggests relevant content to you but also provides a much needed context supported by our Explore feature and simple, three-level expertise taxonomy makes the ability to filter and discover information that each individual business shares possible. A number of business communities, each functioning independently, can now integrate into a business network by connecting with their partners, eliminating information delays and enhancing collaboration, while simultaneously protecting sensitive information with our privacy settings.

What can Business Leaders Do
A company is no longer a member of a single part of the value chain but a part of a business ecosystem that crosses many disciplines. To provide value to your external clients your business must be prepared to invest heavily in technology systems, processes, and people. Transforming a business system may look like a daunting task, but it can be done. Business leaders should start by looking beyond the walls of their enterprise to their business network and ask themselves what needs to be changed in order for it to become more efficient. The biggest question they need to answer is: "What value does each partners provide to our ecosystem and what value does the ecosystem offer them?"
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