Ah, the holidays! A time to celebrate love, the joys of today and the memories of yesterday, and all the good things of tomorrow.
We’re delighted to share what we have accomplished in 2015 as it was an incredible year for us at TallyFox.
Why are we so excited, you ask?
This is the year we made a platform that will make knowledge sharing lovable.
Its name is Tallium
Would you like to see a demo?
We don’t want the collective expertise of your network siloed in a folder somewhere, along with the information you need to do your day-to-day work better. We’ve worked hard to give you a platform that will change the way you do business.

Posted by TallyFox on 09 December 2015
At the time when Peter Drucker coined the phrase “knowledge worker” in his book Managing for Results (1964), the idea that workers should be directed by the authority of knowledge was radical, yet innovative.
The need for access to information increased as society has shifted to an information economy and knowledge workers have become increasingly valuable to enterprise.
To empower collaboration and cooperation, make resources and participants accessible to each other, companies are creating business ecosystems, or becoming part of one.
Collaboration and knowledge sharing platforms paved way for information to be readily...
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Posted by TallyFox on 01 December 2015
Lost knowledge affects company's performance.
In 2006, a corrosion in the Prudhoe Bay pipeline caused a “small leak” that was discovered five days later after 250,000 gallons of crude oil spilled across 1.93 acres.
The company had to shut down the pipeline and the Prudhoe Bay oilfield. The job of the senior corrosion engineer had been left unfilled for more than a year at the time of the massive spill.
When 9000 senior employees retired, the Boeing management had to shut down production for more than 3 weeks as many skilled production workers left. Moreover, the company recruited workers from suppliers, which...