The Water Network
The world's latgest knowledge sharing platform and business exchange for the $620 billion plus water sector is powered by TallyFox Tallium.
Members are from every country in the world repesenting over 10,000 companies. 75% of the members have an advanced degree and 50% are in a managerial role. The Water Network reaches circa 400,000 water professionals each month.
TallyFox is proud ot be a part of helping to solve the world's water crisis one question and answer at a time.
2018 is exciting as we build on our contextual computing and AI toool Tallium platform to bring more insights and business solutions to the water sector.

Posted by TallyFox on 18 August 2017
Corporate memory is an interesting two-way street. Companies grow in part based upon the corporate memory that they are able to retain. However, the larger a company gets, the more difficult it is to organize and retain corporate memory. Fortunately, there are some techniques that you can employ to manage this crucial concept within your company.
1. Knowledge Management Software
Knowledge Management Software (KMS) consolidates company, industry, and role-specific knowledge stored in digital formats -- documents, PDFs, videos or other rich media -- while managing access and encouraging collaboration. Modern KMS systems improve knowledge searches with intuitive databases and...

Posted by TallyFox on 20 July 2017
Knowledge Management as a process yields tremendous potential for innovation, growth and increased profits and other KPIs. However, it is far from being simple, and the mixture of skills and expertise that provides benefits to the experience can also cause barriers.
In an organisational ecosystem, where knowledge sharing and active participation are important and the diversity of contributors is often high, these barriers can be substantial.
The environment of an ecosystem raises business and people-related issues that can limit or prevent knowledge sharing among the different groups of participants. In order to bypass these issues, managers and entrepreneurs often ask...

Posted by TallyFox on 18 July 2017
The requirements for success are evolving significantly as we shift from an industrial-era to a knowledge-era economy. This shift produces both negative and positive results and companies need to change in order to stay competitive.
The speed in which technology, end-user expectations, business models and markets transform, requires companies to innovate faster than before. Investing in innovative technologies is no longer enough to succeed or grow. It calls for innovation in business models. This innovation is necessary to satisfy customer needs in creative ways, and defend from low-cost disrupters.
Conventional industrial-era business models...

Posted by TallyFox on 26 June 2017
Nancy White is a keynote speaker and an international practitioner in understanding and practicing online and face to face group facilitation. She founded Full Circle associates in 1997. She focuses on online and offline strategies with a passionate interest in community and collaboration and among the services she provides are facilitation, strategic planning, trainings and online community building services.
We started this interview by letting Nancy speak about her work.
Nancy White: It’s difficult to put it in one line, but if I had to, it would be: “Helping people get things done”. You see, there is the fundamental element of social...

Posted by TallyFox on 28 May 2017
What makes Luis Suarez (Digital Transformation & Data Analytics adviser at Panagenda) insightful is not just his two decades of experience, it is the fact that he practices what he preaches. He challenges the way people communicate and collaborate by not relying on e-mail for all interactions and the way knowledge workers, typically, collaborate and share by promoting openness, transparency, trust, sustainable growth, engagement, connectedness and, overall, smart work.
He would say that he is a wirearchist, a Chief Emergineer and a People Enabler, and he explained why in this interview.
We had to ask about the e-mail first...

Posted by TallyFox on 25 May 2017
Reintroduced by Moore nearly two decades ago, the ecosystem concept has been frequently discussed in management studies as a connection between system thinking and evolutionary economics.
Today, rather than viewing ecosystems as platforms, they are viewed as structures of relationships between interacting participants.
The ecosystem metaphor, on the other hand, is frequently used without being clearly defined, which in turn has yielded several somewhat overlapping concepts such as business, service, innovation, industrial and knowledge ecosystems.
Making Sense of Ecosystem Concepts
To understand ecosystems, we must first understand system boundaries....

Posted by TallyFox on 24 May 2017
The world is going through a digital transformation and its aim is to improve the way we live. The same goes for digital business transformation.
It is clear that digital business transformation is about providing organizations with opportunities to create new customer, product and market value. Most of the challenges and opportunities, however, reside in organisational change, affecting people, processes, structures, strategies and competitive dynamics.
We are all acquainted with Kodak's story and its lack of initiative to undergo digital transformation in a timely manner, as opposed to Fuji Films who managed to do the opposite. These two stories are...

Posted by TallyFox on 23 May 2017
When asked to define corporate culture, one might draw an analogy between human beings and organisations by saying that just as a human beings have personalities, so do the organisations whose personality lies in their organisational culture. When you break it down into components, organisational culture is the outcome of a mix of tangible, easy measurable elements and intangible elements which are essential to organisational success.
So what do we need for organisational success?
A great leader, who knows how to merge mission, values, and vision into a strong organisational culture. Without exceptional leadership, even the best mission, values and vision statements cannot come...

Posted by TallyFox on 28 April 2017
In today's market, where companies need valuable insight to stay competitive, software must be able to provide them with ways to access those insights, wherever they are.
We never know what information we are going to need and where we can find that information but one thing is true: nearly all business operations are conducted between companies and their trading partners.
Let’s take the automobile manufacturing market as an example. The collaboration takes place within a network of suppliers and distributors to push a product to the market. A vehicle's components are generally manufactured by different companies, and...