Let’s talk about the relationship between company culture and knowledge sharing.
Culture is something in which we invest; once we manage to reshape our company culture and create an atmosphere where we can freely and openly share information, insights and knowledge, we can unlock the tremendous value of that knowledge.
By sharing knowledge, we are able to strengthen and empower our corporate culture.
What is the value of that knowledge for company culture?
Trust and Honesty
People will not freely share and exchange information if they don’t feel respected and trust each other....

Posted by TallyFox on 28 November 2015

Posted by TallyFox on 19 November 2015
What’s stopping them from sharing their know-how?
Timely access to critical information is the basis for improved decision making, effective work flow, good teamwork, product or project success.
Yet, although we live in the information economy, all too often employees end up withholding the information others need and, by failing in the quest to obtain those information, contribute to the lost revenue or increase costs to the enterprise.
To say the least - contribute to the failure of the project.
Reasons are many - from personal and cultural to organizational and technical.
Even more, oftentimes...
Comment (1)

Posted by TallyFox on 13 November 2015
If you rearrange the desk chairs, will collaboration take place?
We implement collaboration solutions that are not new - new is the change brought with the availability and fast adoption of collaboration software and mobile technologies.
But the decreased cost of infrastructure and storage have left many organizations forcing collaboration to their employees using solutions that do not match the need of the business or the corporate culture.
Instead of forcing collaboration to happen, companies need to create an environment in which collaboration can happen; to change how they operate to encourage employees to work together.
But how can an organization encourage collaboration without...