Have you ever asked a co-worker for an advice? We made it easier.

Posted by TallyFox on 28 July 2016
TallyFox is on a mission to change the way knowledge is being shared and safeguarded for future use.
From the time when McKinsey’s The Social Economy Study was conducted, very little has changed, the companies are still using technologies in some way, but very few are anywhere near achieving the full potential benefit.
This benefit weighs $1.3 trillion annual value that could be unlocked in just four sectors: consumer packaged goods, retail financial services, advanced manufacturing, and professional services.
People are sharing knowledge, but they might not be using the software they are given.
By creating selected features for TallyFox Tallium, we have addressed the age-old question: “Why should I share what I know, I will lose my competitive advantage?”.
The answer is not only: “To be recognised for my expertise”, but “I want to help my co-workers”, “I will benefit from the shared knowledge as well” and "It's so easy".
Here's a knowledge sharing story:
Let us guide you through the background of the story. Here's what happens:
By participating, Ted shows that he is interested in the future of the organisation as the knowledge he shared will not be lost.
He also becomes aware of a very important fact: by answering a question, he is actually saving time as, with appropriate privacy settings, Tallium makes this knowledge available to all of his co-workers without delay. He realises that he just needs to answer the question once.
But Ted knows that not all answers are the same. His answer has received the approval of his peers, who respect him for his knowledge which they show by upvoting his answers.
He is building up his network of experts and his contributions are recognised by management and his co-workers.
Ted also knows that the laurels won’t last forever because our algorithm SmartMatchProTM includes time into its relevance calculation.
He understands that he needs to continue participating and building his Community Tally if he would like to keep his status, but this is not the only motive for Ted's participation.
Ted is more efficient now than ever before because his co-workers are recognising the same benefits, and together they are creating a knowledge-sharing culture.
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