Today’s worker is living in a fast-paced world. They have an account on at least three social media networks and are using two to three messaging apps on a daily basis, along with their e-mail, Skype, and telephone. They are used to information being sent out and shared instantaneously, and they are expecting a quick reaction.
Major messaging apps have recognised this need and have introduced a “delivered” status when the message is delivered, a “seen” status when the recipient sees the message, the time the person was last online, and even information on how fast they reply to messages.
On Social Media networks, information is shared with an audience of more than one person...

Posted by TallyFox on 10 August 2016

Posted by TallyFox on 28 July 2016
TallyFox is on a mission to change the way knowledge is being shared and safeguarded for future use.
From the time when McKinsey’s The Social Economy Study was conducted, very little has changed, the companies are still using technologies in some way, but very few are anywhere near achieving the full potential benefit.
This benefit weighs $1.3 trillion annual value that could be unlocked in just four sectors: consumer packaged goods, retail financial services, advanced manufacturing, and professional services.
People are sharing knowledge, but they might not be using the software they are given.
By creating selected features for...

Posted by TallyFox on 27 July 2016
Dave Snowden is a well-known name in knowledge management circles.
Some know him as a passionate keynote speaker and some know him as the founder and chief scientific officer of Cognitive Edge. He is respected for his ideas, research and rebellious views when it comes to knowledge management. Why rebellious? Because he’s not afraid to go against the tide.
Some of you who are reading this interview may not know that we held successful workshops with Dave Snowden as one of the speakers and we value his opinion very much. And we are not the only ones
David Griffiths, David Gurteen and Dave Snowden with The TallyFox Team in Frankfurt, 9 October 2013
Comment (1)

Posted by TallyFox on 19 July 2016
The Software industry has evolved from selling licenses to a service model over the past 30 years. The services that are important to make sure that a KM, collaboration or support community are successful are even more important than a single tool, and they sometimes get overlooked.
It takes more than just licensing a software to create a thriving community, and the chosen vendor should have the experience and the dedicated personnel to assist the organisation in achieving its goals with the software.
Here’s what should be expected:
Program Managers should be able to grasp the usage of the Network on their own, but not every software is created to be loveable...

Posted by TallyFox on 13 July 2016
Having surveyed about 15000 people worldwide to deduce what was missing in the ISO 9001 :2008 quality standards which needed to be included, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ended up with an overwhelming answer: “managing knowledge”.
This was not a surprise as managing knowledge was regarded as a valuable business practice in an organisation, therefore a new clause was added to ISO 9001:2015 and this clause brought a huge change within the world of Knowledge Management.
The clause that changed KM world:
To understand the importance of this change, we must explain the use of ISO certificates in organisations.
ISO 9001 is the most...

Posted by TallyFox on 27 June 2016
Dealing with knowledge in an organisation is a daunting task. As creators of a cloud-based knowledge management solution Tallium and a company who has built a successful knowledge sharing network ourselves, we know that knowledge is not easy to capture as it is not offered lightly.
There are many ways to do this, and knowledge managers or people in charge of this task usually opt for a “best practice solution” in order to capture knowledge, share it and make it accessible.
Is the best practice solution really the right one?
David Griffiths from K3Cubed has asked a very interesting question in his recent article: “Does one size really fit all?”....

Posted by TallyFox on 27 June 2016
This year in Cologne, Germany, from 28th to 29th of September, the Information and Organizational Management SUMMIT (short IOM SUMMIT) will be held; a specialized event for those interested in intranet, collaboration and knowledge management.
This event, established by Congress Media was created by merging the best from Intranet SUMMIT, Enterprise 2.0 FORUM and ECM SUMMIT.
Why should you attend IOM SUMMIT?
If in your company you are responsible for development of the organisation, or internal communications, if your job title is linked to Information Management, Intranet, Knowledge Management or Enterprise 2.0., you will benefit greatly not only from the...

Posted by TallyFox on 27 June 2016
Almost every conference related to collaboration and knowledge management has at least one lecture dedicated to breaking down silos. Has it become a buzz-phrase?
It’s evident that in any organisation there are bound to be organisational silos. Usually, they are created by the same organisation to protect sensitive data, keep their employees focused on accomplishing the goals, and keep them away from irrelevant activities that are happening on other projects that can become distractions.
Silos serve a valid business purpose, so why should we get rid of them?
We can identify types of silos by the action they impede:
Collaboration on...

Posted by TallyFox on 30 May 2016
One of the great misconceptions of the Information Age is that technology will inspire collaboration. For years and years, IT departments have been rolling out new software thinking that communities will assemble themselves around it and that people from those communities will start sharing knowledge and benefiting from this knowledge on their own.
It’s not the way things go.
A knowledge network cannot serve its purpose without Program Managers. They are the ones who are motivated to get the benefits of a knowledge network and deliver a fast ROI.
Who are Program Managers?
Program managers are probably the most integral part of your Network. They are the...

Posted by TallyFox on 26 May 2016
There’s an interesting statistics in the WalkerInfo 2014 report: “Customers 2020, The Future of B2B Customer” which states that “by 2020, the customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.” Two years later, we can see it happening sooner. There are many articles about user experience on the internet; news, opinion articles, tutorials, but not many recent ones containing actual advice and describing processes, and rectifying this was the motivation behind this interview with Valérie Vuillerat.
A seasoned executive with a wealth of experience in competitive environments Valérie likes to challenge the way it has always been...